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MFH supports Rojava Tribunal in Brussels

The MFH supports the upcoming Rojava Tribunal in Brussels

The goal of the tribunal is to expose and investigate the crimes against humanity and international law committed by the Turkish state on a daily basis in the territory of Northern and Eastern Syria since 2018.
The Tribunal aims to amplify the voices of the victims and document evidence to hold the perpetrators of war crimes accountable.
This will help pave the way for a political and peaceful solution to the Kurdish question and ensure stability in the region.

The alleged crimes to be tried by the tribunal:

  • Crimes against humanity committed through forced displacement, targeted violence and systematic repression
  • War crimes, including the use of prohibited weapons and attacks on civilians and vital infrastructure
  • Crimes of aggression aimed at destabilizing the region and violating territorial sovereignty

Date: 5-6 February 2025

Registration via Mail

Bild: CC BY 2.0 Bart Everson